Executive search

Our service helps clients shorten their time in processing top positions. We connect your organization to the next talents, adepts to adapt your business, across the working culture, contribute and develop your organization.

At Leadtalent, a search process is applied with a set of 03 principles to the recruitment project management process, it is included: - Define: (Approach – insight Analysis) - Management: (data search –initial communication/ identify prospects) - Optimize: (referral – live interview/evaluation - appointment)


- Approach: All information will be provided to the senior executive/Consultant during the meeting. Leadtalent could prepare/distribute Position Description if required.

- Insight Analysis: We know that understanding client’s business culture is as critical to finding the right fit with your organization as the skill set itself. This step is the own skills of the Consultant. He/she carefully analysed the working environment, the expectation of clients, the direct line report and the team which candidates will be working with. We will, therefore, take time to really get to know your organization, enabling us to select candidates that are a perfect match for your requirements.


- Data search: With your requirements and company information inputted into our resource network. We search our candidates from our database, network referrals and do headhunt. These searches are done by the dedicated team of consultants specialized in each industry. If the right candidate is not within our network, the most appropriate advertising strategy is posted to source for the candidates.

- Initial communication: an interview is conducted after screening the candidate profiles using a behavior-based interview. Through this selection-wise, we first identify the personality and also could verify the background, past experience, their performance, skills, candidate’s capabilities… Identified the right person, we do the reference check their accomplishments before submitting our clients


- Referral: Leadtalent provides Clients a shortlist of qualified candidates who really stands out as a great fit.

- Live interview & evaluation: After each interview section, Clients provide the feedback to Leadtalent whether the candidates pass the interview and get the interesting from them.

Formal reference checks could be again undertaken by Clients to confirm candidate career accomplishment.

- Appointment After a successful candidate has been appointed and commence their assignment, our post placement following up system keeps us staying in contact with our clients to maintain their satisfaction.